South Side Park Trail work to begin this month!


As part of our grant award to improve South Side Park, the SSSNA has partnered with the Mount Washington CDC’s Emerald Trail Corps to improve the hiking trails in the park.  Pending final city approval, the Emerald Trail Corps will begin working on trail improvements in South Side Park on July 7th and the work will last approximately 3 weeks.  The trail corps will be working on sections of Ol’ Renziehausen the trail starting at Quarry Field continuing up to Arlington Field and then down to Bandi Schaum Community Garden.  These trail improvements and re-routes will help make the trail system less steep, more user-friendly, and more stable from a water management and erosion control perspective.

As always, you can help the SSSNA keep South Side Park safe by reporting illegal activity including camping and motor biking to 911.

It is illegal to camp or operate a motorized dirtbike in a city park. (city code 473.03-473.04)

If you have any questions, email

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