Pittsburgh City Steps Plan Kick-Off Meeting

Kick-off Meeting

July 27, 2017 from 6-8pm

William Pitt Ballroom

959 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Pittsburgh’s public stair network is comprised of more than 700 staircases which vary in size, age, construction material and condition. Join us at our citywide kick-off meeting to learn about the project and provide your input on how these treasured assets should be repaired and maintained!

Steps Survey

You can also provide input on our project webpage by following the link to the Wikimap Survey and answering a few questions about any set of steps in the city:


UPDATED WEBSITE: http://wikimapping.com/wikimap/Pittsburgh-Citywide-Steps-Assessment/l-1130836_40.42115793049957_-79.96315240859985_16


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