South Side Slopes Trash Initiative

Do you hate seeing so much litter and unsightly trash in your Slopes neighborhood?

We do too. We, the Outreach Committee of the South Side Slopes Neighborhood Association, have started a campaign we hope will make change in the Slopes. We’re calling on you, our neighbors, to join us in the fight to clean up the ‘hood. As we continue to battle the ever-present litter on our streets, we are trying to make sure all residents are aware of the City of Pittsburgh rules around trash storage and collection (see below for rules) outside the home.

In addition to educating folks about trash storage, we are doing the following:

  • Continuing neighborhood clean-ups.
    We’ve done litter pick-ups for years and will continue to do so. If you’d like to lend a hand, please contact us at
  • Submitting targeted 311 reports.
    We are collaborating and sharing information about problem houses that do not secure trash properly. If you have a problem house or area, please call the city’s 3-1-1 service to report it. If it not resolved, please share with us at
  • Educational Walkabouts.
    This summer we’re starting to get out and about, knocking on doors, talking to neighbors to share information about proper trash storage, how they can help, or just general information sharing. If you’d like to join us during our walkabouts, email us at
  • Zone reports and clean-ups.
    We have broken down the Slopes areas into six zones so we can have groups within those zones to keep an eye out for trash problems. We’ll also use this information to target our 3-1-1 complaints and clean-up efforts.


  • All trash must be in cans with snug lids (prevents overflows, decreases litter, deters wildlife intrusion, and provides a cleaner, safer Pittsburgh).
  • If you can see trash bags (not on trash day), it’s illegal.
  • Trash may be set out after 6PM the night before trash pick-up day.

Powerpoint Presentation

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